«Do we know Russian language?»
The stories of words are more fascinating than any novel and more mysterious than any detective story. Why has the crow – a bird that will certainly not miss its own, or even take someone else's-become a symbol of rottenness? Why is the press "yellow", and the market - "flea"? How did the word "fake" appear in this meaning?

There are a lot of catch phrases and expressions in the Russian language and we use them easily and naturally! Intuition and a sense of language almost never fail us. But the question is "why do we say this?" - sometimes makes us think deeply. Let's think together!

What mistakes do we "catch" from the radio and television? What mistakes did Pushkin work on? "Dress" or "put on"? "Go" or "go out"?)) It is
difficult to speak Russian flawlessly. Mistakes are made by the most literate people. The main thing is to try to correct them, comprehend the logic of the language, be interested in its history and endlessly enjoy its beauty!
The book has survived several reprints and was included in the long list of the "Prosvetitel" award"
Article on habr.com "Russian language has over 15 cases" (June 2021)

DID YOU KNOW that there are at least 15 cases in the Russian language. Not only was, but it still is. Don't you believe?
"...and never become speechless"- was my last phrase of every episode of "Do Russians know Russian?" TV show.
How strange, there is the same phrase "he just became speachless", but at the same time "do not become speechless". Why it says that? Why does the same noun with the same verb give two different forms? Because it is an extra case, it is used with verbs with the particle "not". "I don't want to know the truth" (compare: "I want to know the truth"), "he has no right" (and when he has "the right")

Article on vc.ru "Profit or recognition" (January 2021)

If I were asked to explain the term impact investment in three words, it would be benefit, profit, recognition. Every year, interest in this topic increases. Impact investments are becoming the subject of open discussions. There is one "but". This direction is often confused with charitable and state social projects. Therefore, I think that we need to tell you detailed, give examples of impact investing. Confirm the effectiveness and profitability of projects with honest figures

Article on spark.ru "Why should a startup be able to play golf?" (November 2020)

As it was said in the cult Soviet film, "East is a delicate matter". The countries of SEA have their own specifics. In order to enter the market successfully, you need to know the norms and follow the rules of the country.
Here are 5 mandatory questions that Malaysian partners will ask you. The answers on them will be sort of "test" that you need to pass entering the country's market.
How much does your product cost? Why is your product better than foreign analogues? Do you have an international certification? Who will provide service and technical support? Do you play golf?

"Do we know everything about classic writers of world literature?"

"And genius, a friend of paradoxes" – genius can really be a friend of the paradoxes of his biography…
As soon as a writer is ranked among the classics, an undivine miracle occurs: a living person is replaced by an icon in the form of a portrait in the literature room, and everything that does not fit into the canon is erased from his biography with an eraser.
And it fits a lot. Pushkin – "The Sun of Russian poetry" - was a heartbreaker in life, who destroyed many women's destinies, and Ivan Shmelev, whose "Summer of the Lord" was recently introduced into the school curriculum, wrote fiery odes in support of Hitler...
The school bypasses these difficulties by offering children a convenient myth, a "textbook gloss" instead of a living person. This book contains details from the biographies of Russian classics, which are quite enough to shake off the granite overcoat of officialdom from their bodies. When writers become living people who have risen above their own weaknesses in their work, the positive impact of their works on us becomes more valuable

The book "Do we know everything about the classic writers of world literature?" became the book of the week in the rating of the Literary Newspaper
Article on vc.ru "How can an EdTech startup enter international markets" (July 2020)

Many Russian EdTech startups have a good potential to enter foreign markets, so they can and should think about it. However, applicants for the export of educational services will have to go a difficult way.

Article on habr.com "«Crown trigger»: urgent changes in the education ecosystem" (June 2020)

The traditional school paradoxically interprets the seemingly basic concept of versatile knowledge for itself. On one hand, there are outdated tools and not up-to-date knowledge. On the other hand, there is too much knowledge. It is obvious that with the simultaneous study of mathematics, physics and languages, there will be no time for rhetoric, art classes and teamwork. However, it is these skills of the future that are in demand, and it is these online and offline educational projects that modern parents choose for their children, and they choose with a wallet.

CARLOS CASTANEDA HAS DIED...OR AT LEAST HIS PERSONAL STORY (article in the "Obshaya gazeta", 1998)
What does "died" mean?

Carlos Castaneda, the author of 11 books devoted to the teachings of shamans of ancient Mexico, died on April 27 at his home in Westwood (Los Angeles) from liver cancer; his body was cremated, and the ashes were sent to Mexico — this is the official information. The message about this appeared in the press ("Los Angeles Times", "New York Time", etc.) on June 19, i.e. almost two months later.
The very first thing I would like to do is to clarify the term "died".

In most spiritual traditions, a person who has achieved enlightenment (speaking in terms of Eastern traditions) retains awareness after death, and his physical body remains in this world. This happened, for example, with the Indian masters of the XX century: Babaji, Osho Rajneesh. So the Buddha, the founder of Jainism Mahavir, the Orthodox Saint Sergius died. However, in some traditions, for example, Dzogchen (translated as "Great Perfection"), at the end of his path, the practitioner realizes the Body of Light or the Rainbow Body: he announces that he will die in seven days; it is closed in a room or tent, and on the eighth day only hair and nails are found there. During these seven days, many rainbows appear from the sky, hence the name "rainbow body".

Many traditions speak about the incarnation, on the grave of Rajneesh it is written: "Never born, never died. Only visited this planet Earth between 11.12.31 and 19.01.90."

The Castaneda tradition does not recognize reincarnation, nor does it recognize the possibility of preserving awareness by leaving the physical body to die in this world. According to the teachings of magicians, a human being, being born, receives awareness as an "advance" from an impersonal powerful Force, which magicians figuratively called an Eagle. Throughout life, a person develops this awareness, enriches it with his experience. When death comes, the Eagle takes away his awareness along with the accumulated experience and impressions. Therefore, each of us has only two possibilities: either we die and the Eagle absorbs our consciousness, or we embark on the path of a warrior in order to get a "cubic centimeter of a chance to have a chance" to achieve absolute freedom, or, in other words, to burn in the fire from the inside. This happened to Castaneda's teacher, Don Juan Matus, and to his teacher, Naguel Julian, and to his teacher's teacher...

Don Juan said that the further evolution of a person in a biological body is no longer possible. According to the teachings of magicians, an ordinary person sees the world around him as solid physical bodies only because he is taught from childhood to interpret the energy that he perceives in this way. Magicians see the universe as a set of luminous energy fibers, " stretching in all imaginable and inconceivable directions from infinity to infinity.
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